I'll let you guess who sent this letter (it wasn't me, and I don't think it was Rose Mary Smith, either). I post it because it is revealing of the internal workings of the Board after I left it.

Dear NCCIA Homeowner:

Please allow me to solicit your help with the upcoming board elections.  There continues to be a number of issues that most in our subdivision are not aware of.  One of the most important issues is the recent vote that would have terminated SCS contract over their refusal to accept direct board supervision by the DR Chair.  There is the potential that SCS can and will turn into another PMG.  The decision by the board to proceed with the renewal of the SCS contract without proper resolution of this issue resulted in the resignation of the DR Chair.  It is extremely rare that the board would have an individual that is able and committed enough to work diligently to protect the rights of our homeowners and not support the most fundamental issues that "everyone" complained about two years ago at our annual meeting.  Dejavu!

Homeowners will be asked to pass an amendment to our by-laws in November.  They will be asked to approve reducing the total number of board members to seven. Currently there are four board positions to be filled.  If the amendment passes then it would make sense that the top three vote getters would fill those board positions.  If it fails, then there may be alternate candidates to choose from.

To be frank, Dave Barrow, especially, and Mark should not be re-elected.  Though Dave was instrumental in formulating a plan, organizing and motivating people to vigorously campaign against Mary McGarr, Dave Barrow intends to take over the board.  He has violated some of the internal resolutions passed by the board and has established a clique with Ron Hudson and perhaps others.  The animosity created on the board caused newly elected Richard Coons to resign.  Richard said in his resignation letter that he could no longer deal with the "pettiness" of the board.

The average homeowner will view this election as anything but ordinary.  It is important that a grass-roots effort is needed to inform the electorate of what's happening. To that end, each of you should contact Rose Mary Smith as volunteers to assist in this effort.  If you can contribute a little bit of money to cover postage and duplicating expenses, this is vitally needed to place key information to voters who will take an interest in what's happening in our subdivision.  I would appreciate your prayerful consideration and support of this request.  Please speak with your neighbors and solicit their involvement regarding the above.  Plase help!

A very concerned Nottingham Country Resident is writing this.