I'm leaving in this article because I want those who concocted this mess to always remember what a dumb idea it was!


Commentary on the Texas Projection Measure

By Mary McGarr

August 9, 2009


To call the "Texas Projection Measure" a new "feature" of the TEA rating system is a big understatement.  TPM "IS" the TEA rating system this year.


TPM is another TEA device that is totally duplicitous.  It's a device to cover up the horrible state of Texas public education.  It's a device to keep public school superintendents, the Boards that hire them, and the state legislators who approve what they do from being held accountable. If every school is "improving," why would anyone complain?


The students, parents and tax payers deserve better than this, and Chronicle reporters need to make it very clear what it is that the government is doing. This is a fraudulent scheme, and the public needs to understand that.


Our schools, under "education reform" are NOT improving.  Changes to education created under the administrations of the Clintons, the Bushes and now Obama, are meaningless. There wasn't anything wrong with most public schools in America until this bunch got their hands on them.


If the government is wanting to change belief systems, how easy it is to target helpless children.  We have at least three generations now of students who have been dumbed down by our public schools.  Now they're out there voting.  Probably every person who reads this considers himself a patriotic American.  But if you are supporting the undermining of children, if you are supporting a system that lies to you daily, if you are supporting the greed that seems so prevalent in those who proclaim to be our leaders, how can you think you are being a good citizen?


Suggesting that somehow schools need to be rated Exemplary or Recognized, or even Acceptable because the students "improved" no matter how slightly, and that such miniscule improvement is an indicator of FUTURE improvement that is being rewarded with high ratings BEFORE it ever transpires is ridiculous.


It's like me thinking "Gee I lost a pound walking around the block today.  Guess I'll go buy some size 6 clothes for the winter!"