Educating minds or managing behavior.  That is the question parents must ask themselves with regard to what they want from a Texas public school education. 

I think the answer to that question is obvious, but if that is so, what's taken the public so long to figure out what is wrong with our public schools?

Those who pay attention to curriculum know that the emphasis has moved from educating the minds of students to managing instead their behavior.

For further reading on the subject of the change in emphasis of education, please look at these links:

The following book in this first link are written by members of the education or psychology establishment. They are generally "logical" within the framework of their own (generally unexamined or incorrect) basic assumptions, but the conclusions and results of applying their methods are largely disastrous. B. F.Skinner raised his daughter in a "Skinner Box" (a large rat box...) - she committed suicide at age 21. So much for B.F. Skinner's methods! Read them with a very careful eye!

On this site you will find such things as this: Those in control of education, psychology, and psychiatry largely view man as an animal to be controlled and manipulated. They view YOU as an animal. You are thought of as a piece of meat to be placed in suitable environments and controlled accordingly. This is the "modern", "scientific" approach."

and  which is Charlotte Iserbyt's excellent explanation of why we have outcome based education