A copy of the KISD AEIS Report from the fall of 1991 shows the ethnic makeup of the school district.

Underneath each 1991 statistic is the percent breakdown for 2015 which is actually from October 2014.

The schools used were the ones existing in 1991 and are representative of the area.

To see the ethnicity percentages for other KISD schools, go to [They have all of them except McDonald High School.]

Elementary School            White        Hispanic       Black        Other        Total

Bear Creek                        88.3%        6.1%            2.4%         3.2%        100.00%

                                         19.14%     71.22%          4.42           5.09         100.00% 

Cimarron                           88.2%        6.3%            4.1%          4.1%        100.00%

                                         50.97%     31.99%          8.67%       8.37%       100.00% 

Golbow                             74.5%       17.2%           5.0%          3.3%        100.00%

                                        28.32%      36.59%        26.57%       8.53%       100.00%

Hutsell                              73.3%       24.4%           1.8%         0.5%         100.00%

                                         24.24%     68.91%         4.06%       2.66%       100.00% 

Katy                                  79.9%        7.8%            11.6%       0.7%         100.00%

                                         71.43%   21.10%            4.65%      2.83%       100.00% 

Mayde Creek                   78.6%      10.7%              6.6%       4.1%          100.00%

                                        21.67%    45.00%          22.5%       10.24%     100.00% 

Memorial Parkway           88.4%        4.3%             3.4%         3.8%        100.00%

                                        29.60%     54.31%          7.21%        8.89%     100.00%

Nottingham Country        91.4%         2.3%            1.6%          4.7%       100.00%

                                        60.36%     20.72%          4.61%      14.15%     100.00%

Pattison                           90.7%         2.5%             0.9%           5.9%      100.00%

                                        52.71%     12.45%           3.90%       31.10%    100.00% 

Sundown                         66.7%       23.7%             5.5%            4.1%     100.00%

                                       14.23%      63.70%         16.61%          5.46%   100.00% 

West Memorial               91.6%          3.5%             3.5%            1.5%      100.00%

                                      39.04%       31.85%         17.24%        11.87%    100.00% 

Williamsburg Settlement 86.8%          5.7%            5.2%             2.3%      100.00%

(Now Winborn)               42.71%      39.82%        10.18%           7.29%    100.00% 

Wolfe                              75.6%          8.5%            8.6%             7.3%      100.00%

                                       32.41%      50.93%          9.72%           6.71%    100.00% 


Junior High

Katy                                77.7%      15.3%                5.9%       1.1%         100.00%

                                      40.38%     45.49%              8.12%     5.73%       100.00% 

Mayde Creek                 77.6%       10.9%                5.7%       5.8%         100.00%

                                      16.40%     50.18%            21.60%    11.735%     100.00%

McDonald                      71.9%      16.7%                 8.1%        3.3%         100.00%

                                      15.55%    54.48%             22.05%      7.64%       100.00% 

Memorial Parkway         87.9%       3.6%                  2.4%        6.1%         100.00%

                                      49.24%    28.30%               8.19%    14.27%       100.00% 

West Memorial              87.7%        5.7%                 3.4%        3.1%         100.00%

                                     41.31%    37.43%              12.83%      8.29%       100.00% 


High Schools

Katy                             82.5%       11.4%                 3.9%         2.1%         100.00%

                                    50.08%      35.14%              8.04%       6.52%       100.00%  

Mayde Creek               72.1%       14.7%                 7.3%         6.0%         100.00%

                                    19.72%     55.79%             16.39%       8.10%       100.00% 

Taylor                          88.2%         4.3%                 2.2%         5.04%       100.00%

                                    50.22%     23.07%               6.74%     19.86%       100.00%


District Totals   (1991)      81.7%       9.9%                4.64%     3.8%           100.00%

                        (2015)      39.4%      34.5%                9.6%     16.4%             99.9%