Dear Editor:

I thought Mary McGarr's letter to the editor was very informative.  She gave explanations for her frustrations with the past proponents of turf and offered details surrounding the past and current situations.

I was looking forward to reading an equally intelligent rebuttal that would give me information on the pros of turf.  Instead, the letter writer chose to sling personal attacks and offer vague explanations.

While his lawn mower comment was cute the first time he said it, he is stating an obvious point I am sure Mrs. McGarr and the majority of your readers are already aware of.

Six years and one child in the district does not make anyone an expert on turf no more than 27 years in the district makes me one.  However, I know that Mrs. McGarr has been very involved in the district for many years and has volunteered much time and effort on gathering facts and figures.

Since I have not researched the data myself, I am more inclined to follow the advice of Mrs. McGarr--especially if Wednesday's response was the strongest opposition to her position.

Thank you,

Kimberly Morrison Heacock

Katy 77494