Nothing says "nouveau riche" or even "low class" quicker than a table that is not set properly. Knowing where the silverware goes, and the glasses go, and what they are to hold, and what to do with a napkin are basic skills, and yet most people don't have them!

Do your children a favor and teach them (and perhaps yourself) the proper table etiquette that will help them all their lives. If you attempt these skills with your children, they will be second nature, and they will never have to feel self-conscious at a dinner table. Using the proper utensils, knowing where to put your napkin if you have to leave the table during dinner, and so forth are all just common courtesy actions.

Being socially inept is one of the fastest ways to curtail your career advancement, and no matter how far you got, if you had only known which fork to use when the boss was watching you, think how far you MIGHT have gone!

Here is how a table place setting should look:

My source is http://theclassywoman.blogspot.com/2010/08/manners-monday-how-to-properly-set.html#.U7jNvs-LX0w   The article that accompanies the drawings is worth reading if you care about your image.