Tests Returned in KISD

by Marva Keele Culver

The Katy Times

A new Katy Independent School District test-return policy will make the review of tests easier in the 1993-94 school years.

This spring an investigating committee was formed to make recommendations regarding the return of tests to students and/or parents.  At the July 26 regular meeting, the KISD Board of Trustees approved amended recommendation made by that committee.

the new recommendations provide that all graded tests (including test questions) will be released to students for their personal records.  Exceptions may be:  final examinations, semester examinations, and six-weeks tests unless such tests are requested to be released by the parents.

The committee's original recommendation, which allowed possible exceptions for final examinations, semester examinations and six-weeks tests was amended by Mary McGarr and Stanley Thompson to provide that parents could request the release of the tests.

"It was my intent in amending the recommendation to make tests accessible to parents, and ultimately to students," said McGarr in a later conversation.

Thompson also said that he felt that if parents want to take a test home and look it over, they should have the right to do so.  He said the requirement that parents request the test offered safeguards.

Superintendent Hayes clarified that these procedures do not apply to standardized state mandated tests.  "We have no prerogative on these tests," he said.