Understanding Outcome Based Education  Part III 

By Mary McGarr

The easiest way to understand what it is about our public schools that is different is to look at a list of those things that have been changed or newly implemented over the last twenty years. It is one thing to “say” that things have changed, but it is quite another to reveal the actual changes. 

OBE at its heart is concerned with the following matters.  See how many of them you recognize as being in place at your child‘s school. I think the reader will be surprised.  Most adults believe that they received a quality education in America’s public  schools.  Certain teachers and subjects stand out, and one recalls them with fondness. Recall if you will the kinds of things you were taught and how they were taught to you.  Does anything come to mind that was upsetting to you to have had to learn?  Do you believe that what you learned in school would have met with your parents’ approval?  In your school experience, don’t you believe that the school was supportive of your parents’ values?

After you read this list, ask yourself these questions:  “Will my children look back fondly on certain teachers? Will they have a teacher upon whom to look fondly, or will they instead have a "favorite computer"!  Are my children being taught the same knowledge that we all know is fundamental to the continued acquisition of further knowledge?  Are my values being supported at my local government school?"

As you read the list, try to recall any of these things being a part ofyour public school education. 

The items are listed in no particular order of relative importance but just as they came to mind:  

Outcome Based Education:

*promotes a politically correct agenda

*undermines parental authority

*eliminates competition

*establishes “slippery” objectives    

*eliminates a "liberal arts education" in the traditional sense of that phrase         

*establishes “mission statements“  that suggest students belong equally to  parents and  the school- the word “partnership”  replaces “cooperation” – partnership is a legal term inferring equal ownership by two parties (children belong only to their parents—ownership of them cannot be shared)

*history courses are eliminated or cut short so that there is no time to teach early American history- thus Founding Fathers’  ideas are ignored --better that the masses don't realize what the Founding Fathers wanted them to be and to have

*geography may be substituted for history--they are not the same thing

 *world history increasingly is about Middle Eastern history instead of  Western Civilization

 *no differentiation between forms of government is taught--students are not taught that one form (the free enterprise system)  is  preferable to all the rest

 *history instead becomes social studies/current events

 *eliminates recognition for achievement in such things as science fairs, math competition and history fairs, and these are instead replaced by Futurist contests, UN indoctrination games, Destination ImagInation, and so on. The idea of "creating our own future" is pre-eminent.

*includes curriculum that serves to confuse students so as to undermine their personal  values                                                   

*sex education abounds, and the sooner they can start teaching students about all of it, the better

*drug abuse prevention programs are instituted which pique curiosity instead of curtailing  use

*teaching of cursive writing is eliminated thus slowing students’ ability to write complex thoughts on paper---computers don’t grow at the end of one’s arm and will not always be available

*encourages enrollment of young children in day care/pre-school/full day kindergarten not because there is any empirical evidence that learning is enhanced but in order to separate children from their parents as early as  possible thus lessening the opportunities for parental influence on values and  moral codes as well as their efforts to teach academic material to their children

*promotes false self-esteem----students are praised for meaningless accomplishments which waters dowREAL accomplishment for those who deserve real praise  (Example:  watch "American Idol" and see all the young people who truly believe they can sing well.  Note, too, how they are treated.  What happens then to their “self-esteem”?  It’s hard to watch the cruelty. Why do you suppose these people think they can sing?  The answer is, someone mistakenly trying to elevate their esteem has told them they can). 

*much time is spent in elementary grades in meaningless contests and activities with no academic value -assemblies are regularly held to bring in paid hawkers of the agenda-the hawker may be a clown or a renowned figure but the message is clearly advocating the agenda

*stipulates outcomes that are concerned with values, attitudes, opinions,  and relationships rather than objective and factual knowledge-OBE gurus claim these are only “enablers” but they are actually “outcomes”

*perpetuates, through the use of the whole language approach, the failure of public schools to teach all children to read well-30 to 40% of students (in Katy ISD schools) are unable to read at all and are functionally illiterate when they graduate from or drop out of our high schools and this eventuality is deliberate

*invades pupil and family privacy asking through “homework” about family habits regarding sleep, food, religion, wellness activities, and attitudes

*seeks to involve schools in student and even sometimes teacher health care matters and wellness programs-student (and teacher) health is none of the schools’ business

*emphasizes the use of essay-type tests and portfolio assessment which  when combined with the prevalence of subjective outcomes, allows students to be graded and promoted on whether their attitudes are politically correct rather than on their objective, academic knowledge. (Some states at first initiated, rather  than a graduation diploma, a Certificate of Initial Mastery, but parents got wise to those, and they were discontinued.)

*trades on educational jargon (educatorese) that is not understandable to parents-uses words that have a double meaning in order to hide true agendas  (See GLOSSARY on www.marymcgarr.com)

*causes teachers to spend too much time “teaching to assessment tests”  in an effort to change students’ personal beliefs

 *shifts the focus from cognitive education to affective education

*uses grades or grading systems that have no relationship to academic achievement and knowledge

*most students in elementary school receive “A’s” for everything-such practices keep parents at bay and no questions are asked when everyone is happy or grades are eliminated all together or changed to other figures of expression

*manipulates time increments in order to change the status quo (length of year, length of semesters, length of school day, length of class period, etc.)

*uses subjective learning outcomes that make it impossible to objectively measure achievement on standardized tests or to allow comparisons with  other students, other schools, other states, or prior years

*changes state testing standards or tests every few years so that testing results cannot be compared with those of the past and these tests show a continuing decline of intellectual ability by students

*suggests that parents do not need to see their children’s tests--will not let students keep some tests or bring them home to show their parents

*implements technology to circumvent the teacher

*implements the use of computers to eliminate textbooks and remove oversight by the SBOE and/or local school board

*institutes more and more control over the teaching process

*emphasizes “learning” over “teaching”--ignoring the fact that no learning occurs if there is not relevant and competent teaching

*uses the method of re-alignment of tests to fit the curriculum so it  appears that students are learning something when in fact the entire process has been dumbed down-the tests simply measure the dumbed down curriculum. [the reason KISD students did so poorly on the STAAR tests this year (TEA set the passing level at 37%!) is that the school districts won't change their curriculum to fit with the new TEKS that the State Board of Education revised a year ago.  They were hoping that the Democrat would become the next governor and would circumvent the SBOE's mandate. As it is KISD is violating the law by not changing their curriculum.]

*the term “aligned” appears everywhere, but it is impossible to tell what has really been aligned (vertically and horizontally) (and perhaps diagonally) and clearly the intent is to confuse rather than to “align” Actually the intent is probably to insure that every kid in Texas is being "taught" the same thing on the same day!

*holds back smarter students by using them to peer tutor slower students under the guise that “it’s the right thing to do” instead of allowing them to exceed the requirements of the class by giving them more difficult assignments thus furthering their education

*smarter students are sometimes asked to do janitorial labor to help out the  teacher just to keep them occupied

*eliminates honors classes (ability grouping) except for AP classes which  for the most part are deliberately made too difficult for most students to handle and their curriculum has been devised by the leftist College Board. [This item is the most significant indicator that OBE has been installed in a school district.]

*encourages heterogeneous grouping as a deliberate means of holding back all groups including those who are average learners, slow learners or special education learners; the teacher then must teach to the lowest degree of ability in each classroom creating a leveling effect

*utilizes the concept of “mainstreaming” special education students which means the School District has to spend far less money on these students when they do not have to hire trained special education teachers for them but instead hire an untrained “aide” to sit beside them in the regular classroom and answer all the questions for them so they don't have to; the practice also tends to lower the level of achievement for the entire class which is the intent of the practice. [It is amazing to me that parents allow their precious children to be used in this manner.]

*suggests that there are various learning styles (visual learner, auditory learner, etc.) so that if a child doesn’t learn there’s another excuse why he can’t thus relieving the school of the responsibility

*relies on portfolios of student’s work rather than grades to establish accomplishment which is a subjective way to evaluate student progress

*establishes peer mentoring for behavior problems letting students help other students when they are not qualified to do so

*principals abdicate discipline duties to the school district’s police force

*initiates IB (International Baccalaureate) coursework to further globalist, multiculturalist and socialist beliefs

*claims to help minorities by bringing them up to the standard, but instead the standard is just lowered for everyone thus creating a false sense of  accomplishment which denies minorities their right to a proper education

*falsely believes that minority students cannot learn as well as white students (Asian students do better in Katy ISD schools than do white students)

*requires group learning, teacher as facilitator, peer mentoring, and other such socially leveling tricks so that no one can be held accountable for the lack of academic learning

*keeps every student in school regardless of behavior-extreme behavior elicits placement in separate campus facilities but rarely is anyone ever expelled (to expel them is to give up state funding)

*suggests that there are different styles of learning for all students (Example:  visual learners, auditory learners, etc.) giving yet another excuse to students for not being able to learn like everyone else--

*establishes zero tolerance discipline to eliminate common sense resolution of students’ behavior problems.

*discusses and pushes the United Nations‘ “sustainable” development, environments, and government initiatives, Agenda 21,  et cetera ad nauseum.

*shows DVD's of "Fern Gully" multiple times to elementary students

*advocates Benjamin Bloom’s "Critical Thinking Skills" which are at best a bunch of hooey-the purpose of these “critical thinking skills” is to keep  students from thinking critically-

*eliminates the concept of students having an Intelligence Quotient (IQ)--   IQ scores are no longer generated through school testing programs-when students no longer “have” IQ’s then there is the perception that all students “can learn” when in fact such is not true--all students cannot learn, some of them do not have the intelligence to learn, others do not want to learn, and they cannot be forced to do something they cannot do or do not want to do.

*students are allowed into “gifted” programs when they are not intellectually “gifted” at all--when there are no IQ tests given, no one can ascertain giftedness-many times students who excel in early grades are simply good readers and  appear to be gifted---false identification at any level does not well serve the student

*does not allow any child to “fail” (social promotions); dumbing everything down so everyone can pass

*stresses” problem solving” (as opposed to word problems) in mathematics,  an intuitive skill best utilized by advanced mathematics students

*leaves the teaching of basic skills in math and reading up to parents (i.e., parents are supposed to listen to their children read and to teach them their math tables)

*substitutes calculator skills for mathematical thinking skills thus, while appearing to be intellectually motivated, the practice is actually dumbing down the student

 *allows students to write without regard to form, grammar, punctuation,  spelling, etc.

*encourages “inventive” spelling--spelling books are sometimes removed from the school-students are urged to spell words “the way they sound”-lists of spelling words without rules or connection are learned in the abstract

*stresses multicultural activities while at the same time denigrating  American cultural beliefs in an effort to divide populations

*diverts attention from the lack of academic learning by stressing extra- curricular activities in the extreme--students are diverted from academic learning to pursue musical, physical, athletic, speech, or entertainment activities instead thus leaving them high and dry with regard to a career later on in their lives

*of necessity subject matter is watered down as teachers, through no fault of their own, lack the academic training to teach difficult subject matter-

*deliberate effort made to make learning “fun”- -learning is NOT always “fun" nor should it be

*insists on redoing old buildings or building new schools to accommodate the new “paradigm”—students’ self-esteem is enhanced if they spend the day in an attractive place

*foreign language instruction spends as much time teaching the foreign culture as it does on teaching the language--most students fail to even understand the foreign language much less speak it well--but they develop an “appreciation” for the foreign country and its food --another socially leveling activity

*school buildings look fancy, have many rooms for every size group, have  pods, workrooms,  auditoriums, look like a mall, have no windows; floor plans create chaos and rooms are not arranged logically; classrooms are smaller and for no good reason; wasted space abounds and is justified as creating a soothing and calming effect on harried students and their teachers

*students sit on the floor, under the tables, move their chairs around, have communal books (or no books at all), pencils, crayons, paper, Kleenex so they learn to “share" and to create chaos which is deemed a beneficial state

*stresses excessive meaningless homework assignments for elementary  students to prevent them from enjoying their home life after school or having their parents have input into their upbringing

*dress codes are established to eliminate individualism and to prevent social  class distinctions-efforts are made to implement the use of uniforms

*school sponsored student social functions are designed to be inclusive to the point of telling students what kind of transportation they may utilize, what kind of formals they may wear, and how their hair can be fixed

*about an hour a day is spent in "learning" endeavors in elementary  classes-the rest of the time is spent walking from place to place, eating, having  recess, being read to, going to art, music, physical education, the library, the computer lab, putting up or taking out supplies, lunch boxes or coats, and standing in lines waiting to eat or get on the bus          

*rows of stationary student desks are eliminated in favor of movable chairs and desks-organized environments and structure are turned topsy-turvy providing an unsettling atmosphere for students under the guise of making them more “comfortable” and at ease when just the opposite is true

 *almost all activities are performed in teams; individualism is derided and discouraged; constructivist project learning is the norm

*grades are given to the team and all team members get the same grade no matter how much or how little work they performed--a practice which discourages after a while any effort by the smarter students

*grades for the first few elementary grades are eliminated altogether in an attempt to keep actual learning activities hidden from parents--progress of any kind is unable to be tracked

*teachers’ time, since there’s so little emphasis on academics, is spent meeting with other teachers to discuss individual students-and not their  academic progress but their emotional and behavioral condition or their family situation--which in actuality is really none of their business

*stresses process instead of content (e.g., children learn how to observe clouds  rather than learning the scientific  names of cloud formations; children learn how  to use a calculator which is easy instead of training  their brains to add, subtract, multiply and divide which is more difficult)

*hands on science curriculum sans textbooks becomes the norm in elementary school-students and teachers “play like” they are scientists-be sure to count the times your child builds a crate for an egg that can be  dropped out of an upstairs window without breaking the egg or builds a boat out of paper that can float long enough to get him safely across a swimming pool

*stresses current events in history classes instead of actual knowledge of history-no memorization anywhere and especially of dates so that students do not understand their place in time

*reading literature is cursory and limited--no in depth study of major literary works occurs at any grade level

*students are not required to write term papers very often

*students are not required to write themes very often

*papers, tests, themes, homework assignments are graded by other students instead of by the teacher  

*students are required to write in journals, many times on subjects which  are very personal and which allow the teacher to have knowledge he/she should not  have about the student--journals typically are not graded to encourage openness

*schools utilize security software programs and drills and other means of pretending to keep the students safe when in actuality the students  and their personal information are anything BUT safe  [See SECURITY elsewhere on this web site]

*schools are poorly designed and dangerous areas abound --bathrooms far away from pupil and teacher activities, stairs too far away for anyone to monitor them, too many exterior doors allowing access and egress by non-students, areas on the school grounds that are not monitored or which are hidden

*catastrophes in schools are met with “teams” of counselors who seize the opportunity to invade students’ privacy, and oftentimes students are emotionally stirred up unnecessarily

*unmarried pregnant students are allowed to be educated with the regular student population-taxpayer funded day care is provided for children of unmarried students-unmarried parents are instructed in the means of access to all state and federal welfare programs and products

*utilizes the concept of  “situational ethics” --an idea that embraces the practice of deciding on the ethics of a situation based upon where one is and  who one is with instead of being taught “right and wrong” (Example:  the (DARE) POWER Program)

*establishes “conflict resolution” as a means of settling disputes--the  process is simply another manipulative behavioral modification exercise to build consensus without ever establishing right or wrong--an effort for “can’t we all just get along”   

*separates minority children from the larger group through programs like  bilingual education thus delaying their entry into mainstream America and playing to powerful groups like LULAC which wouldn't be so powerful if minorities quickly were mainstreamed into American culture

*stresses excessive “technological” training over academic learning  suggesting that the “technology” is useful in job acquisition but failing to note that most “technology” is outdated in as few as three years

*stresses a variety of family structures, so that no single type is seen as the only possible one or the preferable one

*stresses relaying, communicating and learning about all types of sexual  behavior including deviant behavior

*pushes literature and other media that stress psychological matters or cultural matters in preference to  time tested themes such as the conflict of good and evil

*eliminates or cuts back recess for elementary students and physical education courses in secondary schools while at the same time bemoaning the fact that students are not as physically able as they once were and that younger students can't sit still and behave all day!

*dictates food choices for children denying their parents that control

*favors “distance learning” utilizing computers for reasons of control of the curriculum

*includes “death education” (with inclusion of suicide and why people take their own lives) to break down personal beliefs         

*utilizes role playing as a technique to create understanding of others-often the  “roles” are oversimplified in order to make a point—(Example: the widely published picture of  children lying on the floor forming the shape of a supposed “slave” ship’s deck so the students would “understand” what it meant to be a slave by lying close together on the "deck.")

*utilizes questionnaires and surveys and polls to determine progress by the students toward the goals of the school

*lessens parental authority by injecting a “partnership” relationship with  parents suggesting that children belong equally to parents and the government school

*concerns itself with each child’s psychological well-being making such matters the purview of the government school

*creates tracking systems for personal information, grades, and many other items with the purpose of assigning a value to each child--his human capital potential

*administrators and teachers receive extensive behavioral psychology training to enable them to manipulate students in ways dictated by the government

*eliminates achievement tests which were formerly used to gauge students' academic progress--the school does not want the parent to know if there isn't any progress

*utilizes excessive staff development for teachers costing millions of dollars in order to inculcate them with the necessary tools to implement the agenda

*utilizes "assessment" test (TAAS,TAKS,STAAR etc) to determine if the agenda has been accepted by the student-- assessment tests are not really tests at all

*valedictorians and salutatorians are eliminated at graduation ceremonies to be replaced by an “elected speaker” or a larger group of “qualified students" -- once again, the individual and his individual accomplishment are belittled

*”voluntary service” or “community service” are mandated as requirements fograduation thus violating students’ civil rights -- usually 60 hours are required and recognition is awarded at graduation ceremonies where only academic achievement should be noted   

"designations of "high honors" or "honors" are not really indicative of above average achievement but are simply a way of pacifying and fooling parents who want their children to excel and gain college admission.

" creates a "culturally relevant" curriculum or "authentic" curriculum which is in essence a humanistic whole child perspective of development

"the student is instructed to become culturally aware, accept diversity, take risks, think "critically," be open minded and compassionate, role play

"phrases such as "life skills," "rehumanization," "real world" problem solving, "conflict resistance and resolution," "life-long learning," "self-reflection," "interdependence," "socialization," "social justice" and "global" whatever are terms that are tossed about like they mean something important

"socialistic methods are intertwined with existing academic pursuits in order to gain a foothold for change

"the purpose of these things is to evoke change and upset the status quo; signs of the change include "school choice," "promotion of charter schools" (which are run by unaccountable, unelected boards with teachers who may or may not be accredited), "vouchers" which move government into private school space by dangling the carrot of public funding, "public school consolidation" which closes neighborhood schools in favor of centralization and which negatively impacts the value of surrounding property.

There are many more items that could be included, but these are the main ones. The objections parents have to these items stem from their belief that this agenda oversteps its bounds. Public schools should be providing children with an academic education. Period.