Understanding Outcome Based Education Part V

by Mary McGarr

Having read the list of examples of what transpires every day of your child’s school day, one must inquire as to the motivation for such terrible things being done to our Nation’s school children. Why would the government want to have a mostly uneducated populace?  The answer seems to lie in the belief of those who are leading this initiative that an uneducated electorate will become a dependent and unquestioning electorate and will need the government to sustain itself. The corporate world sees unquestioning, compliant workers who can stick Part A to Part B and be happy with minimal wages, as a panacea. There can be no other reasons for this deliberate dumbing down of our young people. 

Whenever one hears the phrases “know and be able to do,” “learning to learn,” "teaching is learning,” “lifelong learning,” “every child can learn,” and other such nonsensical phrases, or if one realizes that there is no ability grouping for all students, one can be certain that an OBE/STW agenda has been implemented and that the school in question no longer provides an academic education for its students.

Parents have been blind to the slow changes that have been wrought.  As Berit Kjos explains in her book Brave New Schools, using the old tale, the frog is put on the stove in cold water, and by the time the water boils, he’s dead and it’s too late for him to jump out.

Once these ideas are pointed out and parents realize that these efforts are going on in their children’s schools, they need to think seriously about educational alternatives for their children.

I am quite aware that stating these matters in this way provides a disturbing scenario for parents. I only ask that one do further reading, especially of the laws regarding education and the workforce that have been passed in our state and by the federal government in the last twenty-five years.

The implementation of this agenda has been deliberate, calculated and insidious. Opposition to it has always been silenced by whatever means necessary. Few politicians will touch the subject --even when they “get” it.  To do so is political suicide. Media reporters ignore the matter to remain employed.

If you are wondering if the Katy ISD School Board knows of this matter, I can tell you that some of them do, as I explained it to several of them many years ago, and they chose to ignore me.  They made the decision to go along with the agenda.

Did Superintendent Merrell know about it? You bet he did. When he came to Katy, the board at that time, which included Joe Adams, Larry Moore, James Peters, Jim Brasier, Stanley Thompson, Ken Burton and me, were specific in our instructions to the head hunter, Bob Thompson, that we did not want someone who would implement OBE in the Katy schools.  We had just sent on his way a superintendent who had tried to do so. We had just listened to hundreds of citizens who spoke to us at open forums and insisted that we keep OBE out of our schools. Of interest is the fact that when I recently asked through open records for the “application” of  Leonard Merrell for his job, I received a copy of a transcript from St. Thomas University which had not been presented to the Board at the time of his original application (or at least it was not shown to me).  The transcript showed that Dr. Merrell had just received three hours of credit for training in “Quality Management of OBE.”  In my opinion, Leonard Merrell knew better than to reveal that training to our Board while we were considering him for the superintendent’s position. I believe he wouldn't have gotten the job.  Obviously he and the headhunter agreed, because they didn't show all of us that transcript!

In my opinion, those who perpetuate this agenda have no conscience, and denying children their right to an academic education is a cruel thing to do.

A recommended bibliography includes:  

The Blumenfeld Education Letter: http://www.howtotutor.com/bel.htm

William Bennett The Educated Child

Allan Bloom The Closing of the American Mind

Bev Eakman Educating for the New World Order

E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Cultural Literacy:

The Schools We Need & Why We Don’t Have Them

Robert Holland Not With My Child You Don’t

Charlotte Iserbyt  The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Berit Kjos  Brave New Schools

David Kupelian  The Marketing of Evil

Charles J. Sykes Dumbing Down Our Kids

William G. Spady Outcome-Based Education

Cynthia Weatherly: “When Is Assessment Really Assessment?”


Originally written on 11/15/2006