Beckendorff Junior High teacher on leave after allegedly sending student inappropriate texts


(Story on

  1. Truth B Told says:

    Truth is it was very difficult to watch these brave and courageous parents appear in the open forum Monday night at the Katy school board meeting.

    Thank God they were monitoring her cell phone and social accounts. They deserve a blue ribbon for doing their job in the best interest of their child. Speaking up to warn other parents is very important and deserves a gold star!

    Supposedly the teacher was using Facebook to ‘groom’ their daughter with an unbelieveable number of texts! The mother read many suggestive, controlling and manipulative texts for the board.

    Truth is many other parents would not have been so nice. Law enforcement and DA’s offices would be knocking for computer sources and paperwork. Wondering how many other times this has happened…

    Truth is other parents have been warning the district about this kind of trouble, but they get banned from speaking before the school board.

    When are the teachers going to have random drug testing? It needs to be in place to protect the population within our schools.

  2. determinedmom says:

    Parents of KISD I hope you can understand what I am saying. All KISD students from 6th grade to 12th are given an email by the district. You can opt out of this. By law you have to have a sopeana (sp ) to get these from the school district. I have been told you don’t by the district. My child does not have one I don’t want to go through what these parents are going through.

    Also I am aware the counselors are putting information for colleges etc on Facebook….my question is WHY! Isn’t this what our KISD.ORG site is for?

    PS Thank you for hearing Truth B Told This child is worth being called crazy for ANY DAY ANY TIME!

  3. redlinus says:

    This is ridiculous! I have a child that goes to Beckendorff and there has been no communication. I receive an email anytime there is a strange car that drives by in the area but no communication that one of the teachers is being investigated! We have long complained that every teacher has a different way of communicating with the students yet nothing has been done. Maybe the threat of a predator will change their minds. When people ask me about KatyIsd I always tell them you must look for yourself because in my opinion test scores and money are not it’s all cracked up to be. I would much prefer a system that is transparent with their issues because this builds trust, with me anyway. Tired of the coverups. Btw the rumor from my child is that the students have been instructed not to speak of the incident or they will be in trouble. Thanks to this website I stay informed. FED UP

  4. Truth B Told says:

    Truth is there are many cover up and intimidation techniques used in our Katy ISD “good schools!” Very sadly, selling houses and peddling a positive image and reputation are more inportant for the builders and developers than our precious children as victims.

    Truth is ‘predator’ is a nice word to use… My question would be when is this guy going to have to register as one?

    Truth is the school districts in Texas allows this nonsense continue due to the costs of a lawsuit, but I would be calling law enforcement until I got some serious satisfaction.

    Truth is a junior high student may look like a pretty, young adult, but their minds are not ready for that and very innocent. Maturation has not completed between the ears and the blizzards in our schools need to be culled.

    Hope the district gets a backbone on this one.

  5. katydad1 says:

    You hope that the district gets a backbone? Well you can wish in one hand and……well Im sure you know the rest. The district’s (aka Frailey’s) backbone is not existent except in the face of self preservation. Don’t count on his puppets….errr.. I mean board members to demonstrate a spine either. If you go to a board meeting and speak up, they just tap away at their laptops or cell phones while you try to discuss a concern. They could care less….right up to the point of knowing something is gonna hit the news and then they go into action. Cover/Deny/Downplay/etc. I think they might actually have a book with tabs in it. A teacher is texting a kid? Go to tab 3, open it up and it reads “See tab 6″…go to tab 6 open it up and it says….Actions to take if a teacher puts cotton balls in a students mouth soaked in Vinegar. Send a letter to parents saying it never happened. Seriously though, these things will not change until we get new school board members and the new ones don’t renew Fraileys contract. He just doesn’t get it…or probably more accurately…he does get it and just doesn’t care. It doesn’t affect his paycheck nor his job security so for someone that genuinely doesn’t care, what other incentive is there? No different for any of the Principals that are BFF’s with him or his wife…why should they worry about negative things happening at their school if they have the Frailey’s in their back pocket?
    As far as not getting any communication from Beckendorff about the incident, no surprise there. The school board and/or Frailey simply went to Tab 6 and the coverup begins. Maybe the school district simply has too much money and Frailey is thinking…”no big deal…we can just settle out of court for a couple hundred thousand like we did a few months ago with the Exley student.” “Wait which one of the abused students did we settle out of court with? Oh, it doesn’t matter….Note to secretary: Call that Principal and remind her about the dinner invite for this Saturday.”

  6. Old Katy Guy says:

    This teacher is old enough to know right from wrong and his conduct with this student is wrong. His actions are those of a sex predator and pervert. There is no place for the likes of this in KISD or Katy. My opinion.

    When will he be arrested? What has Dr. Debbie Harris done to investigate this situation?

  7. katydad1 says:

    Letting KISD investigate KISD is like letting the fox into the hen house! That is the basis for corruption at its most primative form, self policing. Administration gets slipped an envelope of what really transpired and then they bully people into doing their bidding so they can sweep it under the rug…or…they settle out of court. Seriously? Oh wait…KISD holds training on bullying so that must be an incorrect statement by me. I mean Principals would NEVER tell their teachers they will buy an item from a fund raiser…that would be bullying…how about if they just say “Highly encouraged” (wink wink) to purchase items from a fundraiser…thats not bullying is it? Only kids bully….never those in administration or they would have held training for administrators on bullying educators and how it is not only wrong but totally whittles away at the fabric of teamwork in their schools. Oh wait, my bad, its not about having happy employees (which reflects on their teaching) its about achieving high test scores and principals only keeping the teachers that are willing to put chapstick on administrations posterior rather than those that are doing a great job but may (dare I say it) question the current administration or some of the ridiculous ideas they implement under the banner of __________ (forward thinking, progress, thinking outside of the box, etc.) just to make it look like they are doing something. Change for the sake of change is never a good thing. There I said it….oops…gotta go, I think one of the invertebrates on the board just read this and KISD police just pulled up. Ok not really but it wouldn’t suprise me in the least.

  8. TCHRMOM says:

    So let me get this straight katydad1, you are basically saying that the only teachers left in KISD are those willing to kiss admin’s posterior end? Wow. That’s a broad statement. What about the teachers who go to work every day loving their job and knowing their work makes a difference in students’ lives? Don’t lump us all in your tidy little box. Like any other profession, there are a few bad apples, but that doesn’t mean you set fire to the whole orchard. Also, I’ve never been asked, nor has it ever been even remotely suggested that I buy anything any of my students are selling for a fundraiser.

    All you complainers, do you actually have kids that attend a KISD school? If so, you may want to consider a home school option because you are clearly better qualified to teach your children than those who have been licensed by the State of Texas.

  9. katydad1 says:

    Oh no, you totally misunderstood me. I am 100% behind the teachers of Katy. I just dont care for Frailey, the BOT, and the Principals that care more about their career than the children.

  10. determinedmom says:


    Suggestions yes come to the meetings and speak. Tell them you don’t consent to anything they are doing you don’t agree with…tell them your thoughts …speak loud and proud…we all need our input heard in these times. Stand up for our kids we need you!