The Katy ISD School Board is notorious for discussing matters behind closed doors that should be discussed in open meetings.

Unless there is the one lone school board member who gets elected every now and then by outsiders to the system, there is no one to stop them from doing so.

I was that lone school board member for five years.  I named myself "Six to One Mary" for a good reason.  First of all it ticked off my fellow board members because the concept revealed more about them than me!

Secondly, it brought attention to the many "NO" votes I cast at every single board meeting. No one would believe the junk they put in front of board members at every single meeting! They just expect board members to vote for it.  At the present, they don't even discuss the items at the board meeting.  They "claim" to have discussed them at their "work study" meeting, but that's not always true. 

If one wants to hunt down the minutes of board meetings that are stashed away in a vault in the superintendent's office where one may only look at them with a pass from the Attorney General and under close personal scrutiny by an aide in the Public Information Office that you must recompense by the hour, one can verify my claim.  Otherwise, you'll just have to take my word about all my "no" votes.

While I was on the Board, and it took a few meetings, the Board did not discuss public matters (at least in my presence) out of the public's view. 

(It is OK for board members to get together privately in groups of three or less to discuss public matters, but they may not have four--that's a quorum and makes the meeting public.)

I also mention that I only lasted five years.  I resigned a year early because I was tired of being the only one who stood up to the establishment.  That situation wears on one, and I couldn't handle it any more.  It was a sort of "what's the use when parents don't care what happens to their own children?"  Why should I keep knocking myself out when the people that should have been where I was, didn't and don't care? So I resigned.

That's sort of sad, I think, that it came to that, but it did.