Fort Worth ISD Once Again Demands Critical Voter Oversight

July 17, 2014 by Greg Harrison

We’ve previously touched on Fort Worth ISD’s unjustified borrowing addiction earlier this year, citing the district’s addition of over $1 billion in new debt since 2006 to finance “classroom growth” despite enrollment growing by less than four percent. [Katy ISD growth last year (2014) was 4.4%; the year before (2013) it was 2.86%] Now, it seems that Fort Worth ISD is once again demonstrating the need for more critical oversight. A June 16th internal audit of Fort Worth ISD operations found the district purchased over $2.7 million worth of equipment and software deemed entirely unnecessary, a large bulk of which has been completely untouched.

Not only has the district been unnecessarily housing this idle equipment, but it has shelled out hundreds of thousands over the years on maintenance for unused equipment. Forgoing any semblance of fiscal lucidity, the board is slated to spend $85,029.71 this year alone on maintenance for it too. How many full-time teachers could they hire with that kind of cash?

Read the rest of the article here: