Click on the link to see the "Draft Bond Matrix Worksheet"

The Official Newsletter from the 2014 KISD Bond Committee

KISD Bond Committee

News and Updates - 06/25/14

Our goal is to keep you updated on committee activities and direct you to the facts that are being considered as the committee moves toward the development of a bond proposal. Remember - it's YOUR bond!
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Bond committee core members and alternates met on June 17th to continue discussion and deliberation on the line items to be included in the potential bond referendum. The meeting started with further information on possible tax implications provided by the district and then the 15 committee groups from the previous week were consolidated into five large groups. 
Read more about the process and how the committee groups made every effort to make sound decisions about their project lists. Tonight's meeting will be a continuation of the deliberations that started last week.  Those groups that did not complete recommendations will reunite to work through their packets this evening. 
Where it all started - the Original Draft Bond Matrix Worksheet
Through the several last committee meetings, we have been working to whittle down what most have termed the "wish list" provided by the district, or the Bond Matrix Worksheet Draft, which delineated all of the potential items to be included in the bond package.  We thought you might be interested to see where we started, so take a look and feel free to compare it to the final product that will be recommended to the Board later this summer.  
We think you will be impressed by all of the meticulous attention to detail and painstaking effort committee members have invested with the goal of shaping a bond recommendation that will work for Katy both in the short and long term.  
What Stood Out:
There appeared to be a genuine sense of heavily weighted RESPONSIBILITY on the shoulders of the committee members last week. As the groups were much larger, there was ample room for differing opinions and viewpoints.  What stood out, however, was the common goal that stayed in the forefront and drove the discussions toward a push for consensus. No one came to champion a special interest.  Everyone  seemed to be there to find a way to give Katy what it needs while remaining fiscally conscientious.  It was a great example of how a community can come together to work hard, work smart, and get a big job done.