Spring is the time of year when parents start searching for their child's copy of the Discipline Management Plan because students seem to violate the rules more in the spring semester.  If you've misplaced your copy, go here  to see one online. (This is the 2013-2014 version--the District doesn't seem to have a current copy of the DMP on their web site!  Go figure....)

ALWAYS read the DMP yourself from cover to cover at the beginning of the school year.  I think your child is also supposed to read the DMP as well, but that doesn't usually happen.  You as a parent must sign a card saying you read it, and when (if) your child gets in trouble later in the year, they will show you your signed card and suggest to you that you and your child know that you have violated their policy and are therefore guilty!

There are serious consequences for incorrect behavior, and every student and his parent need to be aware of those consequences.  

Keep your copy handy.  Be certain that you fill out all the forms that come home at the beginning of the school year and return them promptly to the school. Make copies of the items you return to the school district.

Every year one or more students become the "victim" of the system, so to speak, because they did not understand the rules.  Don't let your child be this year's victim. 

The Discipline Management Plan comes up for review every year by the School Board in the spring. As a former Board member, I used to review every page of the document and compare it to the one from the previous year.  That was the only way to know what the administration was changing.  During School Board Election time (February to early May) is a good time to gain attention for a policy or rule that you believe to be unfair, not clear, or in need of revision. I'm guessing that since I left years ago, no other board member ever bothers to review the Plan before it is approved, which is a shame as many things become altered when they shouldn't be. Too many of the  changes that occur, in my opinion, are for the benefit of the administration, not the students. 

If you have suggestions for change, tell a Board member by February.  Don't think that you have no input.  You do, if you will take the time to present your arguments for change.

Actually, you may NOT have any input with the current Board.  If your comments are more than three minutes long, they will cut off the microphone.  And they'll get the KISD cops to escort you out the door if you keep talking! Watch this video:

Let me be the first to suggest that Marine Lt. Col. Dereck Alfonso run for the Katy ISD School Board in May!