Local Katy magazines are always good for a laugh.  Can't ever forget the photo one of them had of former Superintendent Leonard Merrell, former State Representative Bill Callegari and friends pictured with their rifles on an outing.  Made points with me, but evidently it wasn't good for them politically! 


Yesterday the January issue of one of the last magazines left standing, had an article on the school board members (election time is coming up soon).  A choice comment by Joe Adams caught my eye:  "Joe Adams believes that the board's job is managing the district along with the superintendent."


Mr. Adams needs to read the Board Policy Manual at least every 20 years or so.  No wonder he's so bossy at board meetings; he doesn't know that in 1995 state law was changed so that the legal duty of the Board is to govern and "oversee" the management of the school district.  The only thing the Board is allowed legally to "manage" is the superintendent.  Obviously at least one of the Board members doesn't know what his duty is, and I'm sure the superintendent likes it that way.


It would be funny if it weren't so sad.