Ever wonder why your child sometimes has no textbooks?  Or how about the fact that all of the reading matter for a class is copied by the teacher from her own sources?  Some are even telling me that their children not only do not have a textbook, but that the teacher has told them to go to a Dot Com address for their information and lessons. Many students have been subjected to the ubiquitous KMAC, CSCOPE or COMMON CORE lessons--which are pretty much the same thing.

Not too long ago, the State Board of Education had the authority to oversee the content of Texas textbooks.  After setting the requirements for the texts in the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) they deliberated at length to make certain that the texts were suitable, on point, and did not contain offensive material.

The process started with the textbooks that were up for adoption being placed in every school district in a place that was available to anyone to come and view each book. 

When I was on the school board, no one but me ever reviewed all of the texts! Ken Burton did join me on one occasion to look at the health texts, but other than Ken no one else ever showed up.

The District didn't try to hide the fact that they were available either--and parents were encouraged to come and review them. Notices were placed in the local papers, but no one ever bothered to look at them.

There was also a committee of teachers who were asked to review the texts as well, and then their choices were relayed to the SBOE.

Before the books were approved, one could go to Austin to testify before the SBOE's teacher committee and then the SBOE as well if one wanted to go and do that.  I went once to testify about a really bad social studies text. 

It was a lengthy process, but considering these texts were the basis for the education for the students in Texas as well as elsewhere, it was a good process.  For many years, the texts selected by this excellent vetting process were also used by other states as they knew how thorough Texas was in its selection process.

But then the likes of SBOE member Thomas Ratliff and others came along to eviscerate the process.  Mr. Ratliff's motivation, in my opinion, stems from his liberal point of view on matters and the fact that he is a lobbyist for Microsoft.

The main problem here is that citizens--parents, taxpayers, etc.--have neglected their duty.  Minds are being corrupted by texts that do not follow a traditional path.  Non-traditionalists have taken control.

One of the groups who is messing with the process is the Planned Parenthood group--the Texas Freedom Network.  If that's who you want deciding what your children learn, then read no more.

If you are concerned, however, read the next post from Donna Garner under this topic.