Katy, TX  77450

                                                                                 May 3, 1995

Don Stacy, Ed.D.

Interim Superintendent

Katy ISD

Katy, TX

Dear Dr. Stacy,

I have read an article in the This Week Section of today's Houston Chronicle which describes a "finalization of federally funded educational programs for the 1995-1996 school year."  Although this program addresses funding for children falling under the Compensatory and Federal Programs for KISD, it has very far-reaching implications for the academic achievement of all of our students.  As you know, I am very much opposed to the restructuring initiatives of the Clinton Administration.

I would like to have information that tells me when we, as a Board, decided to accept Goals 2000 money from the Federal Government, if this is a Board approved decision, and when it was made, whether or not the Board has a say in this matter and a copy of the statement of law that addresses these actions.

I also have a concern about Campus Improvement Councils usurping the control of the Board and how individual councils will be designing academic programs when our School Board apparently is not even allowed to do that.

I would also be interested in knowing how we can have a school district developed plan for academic curricula and if it will be, in fact, subject to Federal guidelines.


Mary McGarr

[In retrospect I can recall being really alarmed when I realized and saw the incursion of the Federal Government into everything Katy ISD was doing just because we took a modest amount of Federal funds for Special Education. I know I never voted to take those funds.  They had just run them in without anyone's approval except that of the Superintendent (Dr. Hayes and probably previous superintendents.) The incursion by the Feds is a clear violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution! I can't even imagine anyone on the present Board being concerned about such matters!MM]