Dear Editor of the Katy Courier:

I am sorely disappointed in the Katy Courier's coverage of the January 23, 2006 school board meeting.  While coverage of the Board's self-gratifying Board Appreciation month made for a feel good piece, certainly the fireworks that followed deserved some attention.

The Fielder Elementary controversy involving the planned movement of a bilingual program produced some tense moments as four teachers from Kilpatrick Elementary, from where the program is being moved, expressed support for the move while two parents from Fielder opposed the move.  A brief skirmish between Superintendent Leonard Merrell and the parents' group created a strained atmosphere.

Additionally, the Katy Citizen Watchdog$ expressed concern over the bond initiative and demanded facts from the District before any person in the District should be for or against the measure.

During a discussion between administration officials and Board trustees, taxpayers in the audience booed a discrepancy in data presented [about the bond].

With controversial issues facing the District, the Board conducted regular business for only 14 minutes, questioning the seriousness of this current Board.

Certainly, this deserved some mention [by your newspaper].

Fred Hink

Executive Leadership Council

Katy Citizen Watchdog$